AEC Coding and Automation School

Learn coding and automation for real productivity gains in your digital construction and BIM projects. Our expert-led trainings focus on real-world problems and practical applications. Our trainings are built for the AEC industry.
Hands-on, practical trainings
based on real construction projects
Accredited by German Chambers of Architects
What makes us different
Practical and hands-on
Our training emphasizes direct application in your day-to-day work. The skills you learn can be immediately implemented to optimize your operations, leading to improved efficiency and productivity in your projects.
Stay ahead of the curve by preparing for the future of digital construction. Our training equips you with the skills to navigate and lead in the rapidly evolving digital landscape of the AEC industry.
Focus on AEC
As construction and technology grow closer, our trainings will elevate your professional standing in the AEC industry. Not only do you enhance your daily operations but also form a strong foundation for whatever technology will be relevant in future.
Our Trainers
Leading Experts

Kristoffer Flygare

An experienced technology and BIM expert with a focus on automation and coding in digital construction. "Autodesk 40 Under 40 Champions of Construction." Autodesk University Instructor.

BIM, Revit, Dynamo, Python
Our Trainings

Hands-on Training Modules

As Technology Transforms Construction, Users Become Developers
Unleash your potential with us and register here